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Is there a website that can reword my.15.04.2009 · Best Answer: I don't know any such program but I do think that the best way to avoid plagiarism is not to have your sources (ie books, websites) too near
15.01.2011 · Best Answer: No, websites can't do this. That's why online translators don't work well; computers don't recognize common speech patterns and don't know
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Is there a free program that can reword a. Reword Sentences Program - Read This Now.
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17.01.2011 · As you may know rewording a paper is not always easy, especially when you are in a rush. Reword My Paper makes it easy to reword your sentences, papers and
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As you may know rewording a paper is not always easy, especially when you are in a rush. Reword My Paper makes it easy to reword your sentences, papers and essays on