Teaching the ea sound

Primary: KS1 Science: Physical World:.
Purchase orders accepted . Song for Teaching the Long Vowel "E" Sound Fiddle Dee Dee (The "ea" and "ee" Sounds) Fun Phonics Songs
Other What is electricity Power Point Presentation. I made this presentation while on teaaching practice for a mixed year 1/2 class. Song for Teaching the Long Vowel "E".
Phonics EA Sound
Teaching the ea sound
Free printable phonics sheets for teaching vowel digraphs in ESL/EFL.
26.04.2008 · Best Answer: I always just teach my 2nd graders that "when 2 vowels go a-walking, the 1st one does the talking", and then get to the exceptions later on

22.12.2009 · Long Vowel Sounds: ea • The words listed have been selected because of their suitability for the 4 to 8 age range. eat
Free worksheets, interactive activities and other teaching resources to help teach long vowel sounds.
Word Skills Game: Review synonyms, antonyms, beginning sounds, ending sounds, middle sounds, and rhymes. Phonics Bingo: A collection of different bingo games divided
Long E Songs
Sometimes ea makes a "long e" sound, as.
Primary: KS1 Science: Physical World:. Long Vowel Sounds - Free Worksheets,.
Teaching the ea sound
Long and Short EATeaching the Long E Sound
Long Vowel Sounds ea - Docstoc – We Make.