can you shoot up liquid hydrocodone syrup

can you shoot up liquid hydrocodone syrup
can you shoot up liquid hydrocodone syrup
Housing and Residential Life | Webster.
RFC 1 - Host Software go to the weed house buy a duece and powe it up in some sprite and then get some styrofoam cups wiht ice from sonic and then drink it up
codeine/promethazine cough syrup mixed in with some sprite. serve it up in a white styrafoam cup with some ice and your good to go. you can mix it
Webster University is the only Tier 1, private, non-profit U.S.-based university with a network of international residential campuses.
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How do you make sippin syrup? - Q&A Promethazine/Codeine Syrup (Lean).
Promethazine/Codeine Syrup (Lean).

Can You Inject Hydrocodone
Can you give hamster amoxicillin NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sizzurp, syrup, lean barr, purp, tuss whatever you wanna call it is ONLY rx cough surup weather tussionex (yellow hydrocodone) or promethazine vc
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So I went to the doctor the other day because I'm having stomach problems along with In my experience, unless you have hardly any kind of tolerance at all to
How do you make sippin syrup? - Q&A .